That's pretty much what most of what my week consisted of. Mass amounts of SE hitting the "Kill Dizzmal" button. You would expect after so long the good kind folks at SE would just get bored with killing me by now. Judging from the last time I could check the amounts of deaths I had, I would estimate my total pushing 4-5 thousand by now.
Sunday was the start of my misfortune when Twist and I decided to give NW a try. Now in theory two Blm should be able to kick the shit out of this zone no matter what. Now what really happend was all but that. First off Twist and I used the wrong spells and ended up out of MP and out of hope. Twist hit the dirt first(I laughed), followed shortly by me(Not so funny). Well I was able to get RR back up, where in Twist's case, he caught ADD and forgot. What seemed like a good idea to start with, ended up with me .... Solo... with a dead Taru as my cheerleader. I figured what the hell, I can solo this. Note to self: Bad idea. I started doin my thing and got it down to 40ish% when gravity and bind stopped sticking. Well I panicked after I ran out of mp, then SPLAT, down I went. Second note to self: You can sleep the damn ghosts in limbus. For some reason I wasn't thinking that you could sleep them, even though I have done it over a dozen times and have seen people do it. Third note to self: I'm a dumb ass. Limbus was done very quickly and Twist and I left Limbus with 15K less gil in our pockets and -6K exp. On a better note, we got some valuable information during the short lived run.
Monday night we wanted to take some time to kick the shit out of some KS99s. The first fight was probally the worst non-wipe fight that could happen. Poor Jacinda caught some bad luck and died more than anyone in the LS. With as tough as the fight was, we just KNEW it was gonna drop the speed belt. Guess what, SE said _||_ with no speed belt or BB item. We did several more runs with better times but still the same kind drops. Thanks again SE, screw you too!
I had a baseball game to go to on Tuesday, so I didn't log back on till Thursday after baseball pratice. While I was out of pocket, Allyrose, Twist, and Dierdren lead ShieldsofValor on a great farming run in Sky. They got almost every NM and kicked Byakko's ass all before I was able to log on. That's what I call being efficient! With an hour left in the run, we finished up the last BB and sent parties to both Water and Uii to collect their respective pop items. Water group finshed with the upper hand getting 1 water even though they were camping against 2 other linkshells. The BLM group, even though we claimed alot, was unable to get a Diorite drop(/cry). All in all though it was a good night for SoV and I must say, my hats off to the leadership and the members that got the job done.
Friday was a night of boredem. I called up Alfsta(Alfster from Hades) and we decided to try out hand in Limbus duo. With the life lessons I got from the run with Twist, I was very confident that we could do the zone with out any problems. We started off very good and killed the first ghost and the megaboss with no problems. Now me being cocky, went to pop the chests and got my ass pwned by a link. In doing so, I killed Alfsta in the proccess( HA! bastard). I figured, no biggy we can get up and restart. Then SE said "lol FU Dizzmal!" Alfsta forgot RR and again I was alone in NW waiting for Doom. Note to self: This looks familar. Well history repeated its self and I ended up HPing after getting my ass handed to me 2 more times. Total exp loss the weekend = 10K.
Saturday things were looking up, I got some things that sold and I was able to put a good dent into my fund for Homam legs. Seigan(Hasso from Hades) and I have been picking up ASA missions to finish them. After a few hours of getting our Saps from Ro'maeve we got ready for Dynamis. Aristocrats had Dynamis-Qufim on the calander so I was excited. I am now faced with a moral delima. Both Drk cape and Blm belt drops here.(I think) So I got to thinking, if both drops which do I take? I want both badly, but I can only lot one. #$@! why does the have to be so damn hard!? Oh well SE , in all their glory, made it easy for me. They had the idea to hide the ??? to get subjobs back and while they were at it they said" Lets make them link the entire zone, that would be funny." So they did. 9K exp loss later, the run was over and everyone in the linkshell sat there shaking their heads. We still don't know what caused the mobs to aggro because Alfsta made a perfect sack pull. Even with the clean pull, the mobs still came back to bite us in the ass, right in the middle of Snoll camps. In other words, SE mashed the"Kill Dizzmal" button way to many times and it carried over to the rest of the linkshell.
After Dynamis-death, Dier,Ally,Alfsta,Lind, and I went to go get some xp back. 4-5 hours later, we got our buffers and a ton of merit points, which went to the Blm to make me die faster(if that is possible) then called it a night around 1-2 in the morning.
Sunday I woke up early, because my son had his friend over and they were loud as hell at 8:00 in the morning. Note to self: Drug kid and friend next time I plan to crack out till early and want to sleep in the next day. I figured I'd get some early day xping in to start the day off. I jumped on Blm to test out my new powers in Xarc[S]. First nuke when off "Burst II does 1836 damage " with no day or elemental help Hellz ya! Then the next nuke " Freeze II does 2073 damage" oshit! By now I'm quit happy with the numbers I'm seeing. Then SE said "Screw you Dizz" and I resisted on the next nuke. You heard me right. With over 300+ elemental skill, I resisted on a damn pet and aggroed two gigas. Thanks SE, Well I picked myself up and not 5 seconds later, the damn dragon flew down to eat me... Before that point I had gotten roughly 4K exp. Between the two deaths and the HP, I broke even. I guess at least it's not a loss. I'm really starting to hate you SE..
Seigan and I got a few more people that wanted to help(ie, we drug Ally, Dier, and Tidis kicking and screaming.) and did the second to the last fight of ASA. We picked up a Thf on the way to the fight. I loved this fight! Nothing brings me more joy that punching a Taru in the face. I find it completely relaxing to Asuran Fists a Blm taru. Note to self: Must bring Miae and Gooky to Ballista more often. ^^ We kicked the shit out of the fight, and walked off with close to the record. Ally and Dier wanted to do ENMs, so I followed. We got the Hagun ENM done quickly, getting another Cloud Evoker and a Forager's Mantle. Oh well more gil in the bank. Sooner or later, ShieldsofValor will have to do Ouryu Cometh to help us get rid of the Evokers. That will be a later update.
Then the final mission of the night was to complete ASA. Seigan,Ally,Dier, and myself started shouting for DDs. Of all jobs that that you figure what would be hard to get, you wouldn't think it would be DDs. But I'll be damned if it did take me over an hour of shouting. Finally we got two dragons that needed it. Finally we got ready to go. Then it hit me. I started looking at the two Drgs that we were fighting with. I could only think of one word,"Fuck". One of them, happens to be the one that was a know it all, was meleeing in AFv2 body and WS in Assault Jerkin. /facepalm. Now I don't consider myself an elitist, but I mean come on, really? I'll save you the jest of the headache the Hexes were and skip straight to the fight. It was me Rdm/Nin, DierWhm, Ally Drg,Seigan Smn, and two gimp ass Drgs. We start fighting, and from the get go it doesn't look like it will be too bad. I started thinking that, "Hey this isn't too bad", why the HELL did I say that. The little taru bitch raged, then commenced to kick our asses like we were going out of style. I ended up Chainspell cure IVing myself and who ever I could get to while the DDs kept beating on it. The whm was down to 1% when we wiped the first time. 1 damn %! I hate you SE. Well we figured that rage was down, so now it wont be an issue. Allyrose just had to die in the middle of the circle so we had to fight without her. We got up and started fighting again. With out our only decently geared DD, we were toast. The whm raped the two gimps before they got it anywhere close to dead. After that we were laughed at and kicked from the BC. A nice black eye to finish the night with. Thanks again SE. The thing is, Seigan is just as pissed as I was, and we decided to go do the hexes again so we can be ready for another fight when it presented itself. After the Hexes, We decided to shout for a few mins to see if we could get a few more SMNs. I figured if we could get 5 Smns and 1 Rdm, we could try again pretty quickly. To my suprise, we got 3 more in the matter of a few mins. After waiting what seemed like forever, we went in. Knowing what to expect this time around, made it a good bit better. Not easy by any since of the word, but better. The Smns did their thing and the Whm went down, but not till after it kicked our ass. We wiped and RRed then kicked the crap out of the fight. All in all I died around 6 more times during the both fights. Not an easy fight to me, but doable. I think if we had some DDs that was geared more like Ally, we wouldn't have had a problem. Since that didn't happen, we got our asses kicked. I still enjoyed watching the SMNs kick the demonic taru's ass. Now I have to decide what pants to get. I guess we will see though.