Saturday, January 15, 2011

Checking In

Can it really be true that it has been since August since I've posted? Nah, can't be... Could it?
Well I guess if that is any indication on how busy irl I have been, multiply it by about x100. A little update on what has happened in the past 5 freaking months since my last post.

Shields of Valor officially ended weekly events in November due to a few major changes in my RL and changes in the game. I was promoted to a position with the company that I get to over see all the stores in southern Mississippi. Oh btw I also get to see after their paper work as well. btw, I hate paperwork. I used to have a nice secretary that used to do that. But the big wigs doesn't think that I needed one anymore. /wrist. btw did I tell you that I hated paperwork... yeah... So days where I used to be able to spend updating SoV's DKP and all that good stuff, oh and update this blog, has all but went out the window. I normally have a stack of paperwork on my desk that would dwarf a galka every morning.... lucky me.

With the changes to work has also come changes to FFXI that has, at the time, rendered my knowledge of the game obsolete. So with the combination of those two events, the LS decided to put runs on hold for a little bit. In that time, people have pretty much stayed for the most part. A nice thing about friendship is that just becuase events has stopped, people still try to find a way to get things done in smaller groups. Which can be good and bad. I'll explain more of that later.

Now on word to Abyssea, which is basiclly all that FFXI is now. I pretty much loved Abyssea when it first came out. A way to get massive exp in short time was just amazing. Then the new gear came out and it was pretty easy to get. So yeah, more love for Abyssea.. Then came the weakness procs... My loved floundered a bit.. No longer could you just kill the shit out of stuff, you now had to proc a certain color of BS to get a certain drop you wanted... Oh well. np just somthing new to learn. Then came the Atmas. Little things that you could get that could make you more powerful than a full alliance that didn't have them... It was incredible the amount of damage that mages/DD could push out now with these little (huge) shots of steroids. After being outnuked by a sch that had gear that made you want to cry it was so bad on my Blm,which most of you know that is no slacker, I had to make some adjustments. When I say outnuked, I mean my Thunder IV hit 1900s in Abyssea with no Atmas, and this person was putting down 2600-2800s and was nuking in level 10 Int rings.... yeah that hurt my feelings. So then I went on my Atma conquest, which now I'm finally done.for the most part. But now since I've wasted so much time in Abyssea with atmas, that I'm lacking stones, another reason for me to hate Abyssea... Why SE couldn't just make it a normal zone is beyond me.. No now they want you to worry about time the entire time your in there. Just for kicks...

So I finally got all my atmas and have started really gettin the hang of the fights. I'm starting to get pretty familer with the NMs and how to do it that I feel confident in farming seals for groups now... Well that was before last night and I had a freak wyvren rape the shit out of us... Not once.. but twice... Everything goes pretty smooth untill it starts this hundred first Fang Rush shit that pretty much rapes the shit out of me, MJ and who ever else is close.. with the exception of Allyrose.. she lived though it untill it hit her with a 3K hurricane breath... I have to admit I did laugh a bit when that happened. So yeah, now I'm at the point where I flat out hate Abyssea.. Only bad thing about hating Abyssea, is that we all need Abysssea. The gear is just amazing and yeah that is all this game is about in the end. Getting that almighty lastest greatest piece that make you glow(in your own mind) when you walk by your friends.

Oh well, maybe I'll stick to the old Abyssea zones untill more info is out on the newer Nms.. who the hell needs the new stuff the momment it comes out... Oh that's right.. everyone lol...