Welcome back to everyone's favorite place to watch me find a way to get my ass kicked in a new way! Now though the years I have racked up tons of deaths. From not checking mob that kick my ass( damn rabit) to just wanting some lols and attacking Jormy with 4 ppl( I wouldn't do that would I ^^) to Toprob Magic aggroing the entire zone to kill me. Yes the crazy brit did that then left me to die. Well done bud, well done.
Blm is on the home stretch @ 72 with more exp daily. I'm getting ready to have this at 75 and be done exping for a bit. Wensday is now Limbus day since I joined NoworNever, Vampire's End Game Ls. We did an Apolyon zone and kicked its ass. Thing are looking up as far as Homam is conserned. Maybe soon enough I'll be able to finish my full set of Homam. Afterwards I went to exp BLM and got 73. Two more levels!. I'm getting there.
I had to take a break Thursday from Sky. Wife's B-day so she wanted to go out so I took her to see a movie. ShieldsofValor did great though. They got loads of pop sets for Monday night. On top of them farming their asses off and several members donating pop items, we have a good night planed for tonight. Had maintience right after sky so they got kicked off the game.
Saturday started off with a pain in my neck. I hopped on BLM to get some exp in. As soon as I zone, I have this big ass dragon sitting on my neck.. Seriously I have never seen the fucker aggro someone as long as I have been at that camp, and I get pwned as soon as I enter the zone. So I get up, get unweakened and start my pulls.. before I even get a spell off, I get PWNED again!!! .. wtf damn dragon munchin on my ass again.. wtf does he think I am a Taru? So I'm guessing that SE decided I have been at Xarc [s] too long and changed the zone a bit. (MotherF*#&ers) 10 mins later I get pwned again.. so I was getting pissed fast. Finally got a party and the deaths subsided a bit. Every now and again the dragon would swoop down and kick ass, but that didn't happen horrible often at least. I had to call it quits @ about 1/2 to 74 due to wife wanting to go to a damn rodeo. ( /em gets ready for the redneck jokes.) I still don't get why ppl get into that shit. I'm guessing what happened was, "Hold my beer while I try to ride this big ass bull" ... seriously I am probally the only one laughing when someone gets knocked out after they get kicked off. I figure if your dumb enough to ride somthing that wants to kill you, you had it coming to get pwned.
Sunday the wife was pissed at me, so I used that time to get a bit further on BLM. Caught a Manaburn right out of the gate and 74 came fast. The dragon was still on his rampage, but we got though it and I got well on my way to 75(Woot just a bit more) then I had to go to limbus. Limbus went well, Miae,Gooky,Cdub, and Aeryss kicked ass in NW while the rest of us took Aim at SW. We were sucessfull on both runs. We are now ready for our next goal. Omega your next!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Coming Home
Well since I haven't blogged in a while, I'll recap last week.
Thursday: No work ^^. Wife had surgery that went well, so gave me some game time while she slept. Got a little exp on BLM. Woot 70 ^^. Twist shows up @ 73 ( F%$#er!) now I need to exp faster! For sky had some farming to do. After we killed most all NMs we could get a hold off, we went for KS99. Went in, killed, still got meh drops. Cdub and Pixie mad a few hundered K. but other than that was a normal night.
Had some snow friday, so I had some fun the the kid and laid off the game for a tad. But Saturday I found a mana burn party (WOOT). got 72 almost 73 before dynamis started. Allyrose has been on my back for awhile to come.( after 4 years of dynamis I would rather beat my head on the wall than go.) To my suprise I had FUN in Dynamis. We did Beacy and had a great run ^^ lots of AF dropped.
Sunday was Limbus and we ran though NE zone. I got BLM and DRK upgrade pieces and things are looking up for limbus and finishing Homam. Had to call it a night due to the wife being in some pain.
Monday was KS99 day. The day when we kick ass and take names against the Wrym. we did 5 straight with no problems. Then we get to miae's orb. I guess someone at SE either hates Miae and KS99 or just figured "Meh time for them to die."the fight when on normal untill "Wrym readies Spike Flail" .. oh fuck! just like that Splat! 85% of the LS hits the dirt. Pixiecorse(Poor thing) looked like she took the brunt of the damage at almost 1800 damage. For a whm to take that much damage made me hurt a little bit. Me and Neo was still up and kickin, so people started getting up and then Spike Flail (Wtf again) 2 Spike flails in a row. This time with the only two people that wasn't just getting up was Neo and I. Long story short, SE was all super douche on us and killed us. Poor miae; ; good thing was that Ambrizo( a new member) had an orb he wanted to get rid of. So he donated it to her. Nice to see something like that happen^^ Anyway we kicked the shit out of the other 2 Ks99s and called it a night. Was a good night over all. I still can't for the life of me figure out why it flailed. I'll stick to the story that SE just wanted to kill the shit out of us. I maintain that there is a Kill Dizzmal Button up there, and when they feel like it they just punch that a few times just for kicks.
Thursday: No work ^^. Wife had surgery that went well, so gave me some game time while she slept. Got a little exp on BLM. Woot 70 ^^. Twist shows up @ 73 ( F%$#er!) now I need to exp faster! For sky had some farming to do. After we killed most all NMs we could get a hold off, we went for KS99. Went in, killed, still got meh drops. Cdub and Pixie mad a few hundered K. but other than that was a normal night.
Had some snow friday, so I had some fun the the kid and laid off the game for a tad. But Saturday I found a mana burn party (WOOT). got 72 almost 73 before dynamis started. Allyrose has been on my back for awhile to come.( after 4 years of dynamis I would rather beat my head on the wall than go.) To my suprise I had FUN in Dynamis. We did Beacy and had a great run ^^ lots of AF dropped.
Sunday was Limbus and we ran though NE zone. I got BLM and DRK upgrade pieces and things are looking up for limbus and finishing Homam. Had to call it a night due to the wife being in some pain.
Monday was KS99 day. The day when we kick ass and take names against the Wrym. we did 5 straight with no problems. Then we get to miae's orb. I guess someone at SE either hates Miae and KS99 or just figured "Meh time for them to die."the fight when on normal untill "Wrym readies Spike Flail" .. oh fuck! just like that Splat! 85% of the LS hits the dirt. Pixiecorse(Poor thing) looked like she took the brunt of the damage at almost 1800 damage. For a whm to take that much damage made me hurt a little bit. Me and Neo was still up and kickin, so people started getting up and then Spike Flail (Wtf again) 2 Spike flails in a row. This time with the only two people that wasn't just getting up was Neo and I. Long story short, SE was all super douche on us and killed us. Poor miae; ; good thing was that Ambrizo( a new member) had an orb he wanted to get rid of. So he donated it to her. Nice to see something like that happen^^ Anyway we kicked the shit out of the other 2 Ks99s and called it a night. Was a good night over all. I still can't for the life of me figure out why it flailed. I'll stick to the story that SE just wanted to kill the shit out of us. I maintain that there is a Kill Dizzmal Button up there, and when they feel like it they just punch that a few times just for kicks.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
It's the little things in life that make it worth while
Well after leveling Blm enough to make me sick, Twist and I decided to take a break. Well that didn't last long and Sunday we were back at it. We were able to get a Xarc[S] Manaburn party and I was able to hit 70 pretty quickly once Vampire got there to help pull. After starring down Twist and his new gear I realized that Blm has to be the most expensive job that I have ever leveled to this point. That little short shit got a Sorc ring and a Ugg pendant..... Fuck there goes my shit talking! Call me OCD or just anal, but I like to be the best that I'm capable of and when I have the same gear as the little 2 foot shit head and he can constantly out nuke me just because he is taru make me angry! (/em turns into hulk) YOU don't want to see me ANGRY!! /em casts Freeze on the Gigas ( Dizzmal goes Splat) oh well. I guess I'll have to deal with it... or get a Novio(Woot) lol .. in my dreams.
Fastforward to Monday and we are back in Sky. You would think after doing sky as long as I have, that I would get bored and start getting sick of it. But I still enjoy Sky (Mostly Gods and Kirin) for the most part. Last night was amazing. We had a person that provided a few pop sets so we could merc Kirin for him. Round one went great, The Minis couldn't pop fast enough. Now I have seen Kirin go down fast, but I don't recall seeing one go down with in 30 mins of being spawned while using the kite method. Anyway we pwned the First Kirin and got Kirin's Osode and Nbody. Not quite what the buyer was after but hey we got an Osode and he got the Nbody. The second Kirin went down about the same as the first one but this time we got W-legs and another N-body.. holy shit.. In the history of Shields of Valor we have only seen 4 N-bodies .. and in one night we see 2 back to back .. wtf.. Best thing about it was the fact that the buyer was nice enough to give the second N-body to Vampire free of charge. Lucky bastard!!
After sky, Dier, Ally, and I went for ENM. I tried like hell to sell the instant-teleport to the top of the mountian to a passerby, but I guess my sales tactics need to be updated.. Anyway we went 2/2 on forager's mantle on the last 2 ENMs. I was asked to help out on some ZNMs, so I rushed to do that. Was interesting, first round I caught the end of the fight. Looked like alot of death on the mages part. No suprise there was Miae and gookys crazy asses front and center with the deaths. Second round I got to do a majority of the kiting. The gears went down with out much of a hitch and the total drops of the night was : Neo with Aurum Feet and some O hands dropped but I forget who got those.
All in all, a very good weekend. Miae and gooky made their return and that brought a smile to my face. Idk what it is, but when the few times that Miae does die and starts spouting off obscenties, it just makes me die laughing. I found out that Alfster and Lind my be coming back, so I'm looking forward to that.
On a real life note, My wife has her surgery tomorrow so I'm kinda worried about that.I guess I just need to hope for the best. ^^
Fastforward to Monday and we are back in Sky. You would think after doing sky as long as I have, that I would get bored and start getting sick of it. But I still enjoy Sky (Mostly Gods and Kirin) for the most part. Last night was amazing. We had a person that provided a few pop sets so we could merc Kirin for him. Round one went great, The Minis couldn't pop fast enough. Now I have seen Kirin go down fast, but I don't recall seeing one go down with in 30 mins of being spawned while using the kite method. Anyway we pwned the First Kirin and got Kirin's Osode and Nbody. Not quite what the buyer was after but hey we got an Osode and he got the Nbody. The second Kirin went down about the same as the first one but this time we got W-legs and another N-body.. holy shit.. In the history of Shields of Valor we have only seen 4 N-bodies .. and in one night we see 2 back to back .. wtf.. Best thing about it was the fact that the buyer was nice enough to give the second N-body to Vampire free of charge. Lucky bastard!!
After sky, Dier, Ally, and I went for ENM. I tried like hell to sell the instant-teleport to the top of the mountian to a passerby, but I guess my sales tactics need to be updated.. Anyway we went 2/2 on forager's mantle on the last 2 ENMs. I was asked to help out on some ZNMs, so I rushed to do that. Was interesting, first round I caught the end of the fight. Looked like alot of death on the mages part. No suprise there was Miae and gookys crazy asses front and center with the deaths. Second round I got to do a majority of the kiting. The gears went down with out much of a hitch and the total drops of the night was : Neo with Aurum Feet and some O hands dropped but I forget who got those.
All in all, a very good weekend. Miae and gooky made their return and that brought a smile to my face. Idk what it is, but when the few times that Miae does die and starts spouting off obscenties, it just makes me die laughing. I found out that Alfster and Lind my be coming back, so I'm looking forward to that.
On a real life note, My wife has her surgery tomorrow so I'm kinda worried about that.I guess I just need to hope for the best. ^^
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Grr /Rant on
Before I get the the title of this post I will talk about the positive things in life. Kirin drops,ENM, and Sorc ring(My precious /em pets ring)
Monday: Sky like normal, We kicked Kirin's ass twice with a few new people in different positions. Neo and Esca took to the kiting while I decided to take on the minis this time. First run was no problem, Kirin went down like a little bitch and coffed up Wlegs and Kirin's Osode. Second round was a tad different, Kirin went on one of those PMS runs and was spawning minis left and right. We stayed calm and took them down, just had to pull the next mini before the first one was dead. Solo tanking the last 20-30%hp is always fun. Minis went down with a few deaths and we finished the mins right went Kirin cornered the kite party and spun them for a loop. So in other words we had perfect timing lol. I decided I wanted to try my hand in DD vs Kirin so I changed to Drk and ran back up to Kirin. This is one of those times I wanted to go to SE, grab one of the VPs and smack the shit out of him... 1/5 on pots and I finally get to kirin with about 50% hp left.. I preceded to build 300tp and right when I go to Soul eatter, Last resort, Trick attack, Sneak attack, Then Spiral Hell to really put some hurt on him I MISS ... WTF! .. looking at the chat log. sneak attack didn't go off. Best that about that was that the hate from Souleatter and Last resort = Dizzmal 2K+ deadly hold... Thanks SE I now know how much you hate me. After the pissed off Kirin ran his course and met his fate, we have another round of Wlegs and Kirin's Osode. That makes 6 Kirn's in a row that drop Wlegs. Hells ya! Congrats to Tidis and Lios on Wlegs and Brooster on the Kirin's Osode.
Tuesday was the son's Bday. He had a great time and we went to pick out some little league gear for him. It's so funny so see his eyes light up when we picked out his bat. After the wife and the kid went to bed, I logged on for some late night BLM action. Blm hit 67 after a little bit then I called it a night.

Wednesday was all Blm all night long( After Limbus plans fell though ; ;) We waited for Twist's slow ass to log on then we headed to Xarc [S] the love of my BLM life lol. We showed up ready to kick ass and take names. Here is where my /rant starts!!. ok we get there and there is a party that looks like it is pulling slowly and 1/2 the party looks AFK. Well anyway Wiki says that the place can support 2 partys @ 10k/hour + which is still great for Blm. So we get settled and start pulling, here comes the angry /tells from party #fail. They started harassing our party for being [u]rude[u] and killing their great 8K/hr party /facepalm. They continue to shout dumb ass things and send myself and the other party members hateful /tells. I aperently am a fat lazy PoS that has no life and lives in my mom's basement. Damn they found me out.. Need to go sell house ; ; Got to love the classic revert to "lives in parent's basement" when they either have shit gear or does a crap job during a certain event verus a more expereinced group. I found it funny when they said the GM can't do shit about them cussing me out. lol I know this from exp that they do in fact pwn you if you say they can't do shit. They laughed at vamp for getting link and really started to get under our groups skin. Then the funny happened., they linked 2 Gigas and wiped completely.We didn't lower ourselves to shouting but we sure as hell Loled in party chat.I forgot how it was to get bitched at for kicking another parties ass. Damn new players that don't understand exp camps >< /rant off . All in all a good party and Twist and I got to 69 and most the way to 70 before calling it a night.
Monday: Sky like normal, We kicked Kirin's ass twice with a few new people in different positions. Neo and Esca took to the kiting while I decided to take on the minis this time. First run was no problem, Kirin went down like a little bitch and coffed up Wlegs and Kirin's Osode. Second round was a tad different, Kirin went on one of those PMS runs and was spawning minis left and right. We stayed calm and took them down, just had to pull the next mini before the first one was dead. Solo tanking the last 20-30%hp is always fun. Minis went down with a few deaths and we finished the mins right went Kirin cornered the kite party and spun them for a loop. So in other words we had perfect timing lol. I decided I wanted to try my hand in DD vs Kirin so I changed to Drk and ran back up to Kirin. This is one of those times I wanted to go to SE, grab one of the VPs and smack the shit out of him... 1/5 on pots and I finally get to kirin with about 50% hp left.. I preceded to build 300tp and right when I go to Soul eatter, Last resort, Trick attack, Sneak attack, Then Spiral Hell to really put some hurt on him I MISS ... WTF! .. looking at the chat log. sneak attack didn't go off. Best that about that was that the hate from Souleatter and Last resort = Dizzmal 2K+ deadly hold... Thanks SE I now know how much you hate me. After the pissed off Kirin ran his course and met his fate, we have another round of Wlegs and Kirin's Osode. That makes 6 Kirn's in a row that drop Wlegs. Hells ya! Congrats to Tidis and Lios on Wlegs and Brooster on the Kirin's Osode.
Tuesday was the son's Bday. He had a great time and we went to pick out some little league gear for him. It's so funny so see his eyes light up when we picked out his bat. After the wife and the kid went to bed, I logged on for some late night BLM action. Blm hit 67 after a little bit then I called it a night.

Wednesday was all Blm all night long( After Limbus plans fell though ; ;) We waited for Twist's slow ass to log on then we headed to Xarc [S] the love of my BLM life lol. We showed up ready to kick ass and take names. Here is where my /rant starts!!. ok we get there and there is a party that looks like it is pulling slowly and 1/2 the party looks AFK. Well anyway Wiki says that the place can support 2 partys @ 10k/hour + which is still great for Blm. So we get settled and start pulling, here comes the angry /tells from party #fail. They started harassing our party for being [u]rude[u] and killing their great 8K/hr party /facepalm. They continue to shout dumb ass things and send myself and the other party members hateful /tells. I aperently am a fat lazy PoS that has no life and lives in my mom's basement. Damn they found me out.. Need to go sell house ; ; Got to love the classic revert to "lives in parent's basement" when they either have shit gear or does a crap job during a certain event verus a more expereinced group. I found it funny when they said the GM can't do shit about them cussing me out. lol I know this from exp that they do in fact pwn you if you say they can't do shit. They laughed at vamp for getting link and really started to get under our groups skin. Then the funny happened., they linked 2 Gigas and wiped completely.We didn't lower ourselves to shouting but we sure as hell Loled in party chat.I forgot how it was to get bitched at for kicking another parties ass. Damn new players that don't understand exp camps >< /rant off . All in all a good party and Twist and I got to 69 and most the way to 70 before calling it a night.

Monday, February 1, 2010
The Good times and the Bad times
What a weekend! Went from good, to better and then ended on a sad note ; ;
Thursday: Woot Kirin! For some reason no matter how many times I have killed kirin in the past, I still get excited when we fight him. First fight we decided to Zerg since we had the Brds. Fight started as badly as possible with a Stonega IV to the face, we recovered and kept beating the shit out of him, but a strong Astral Flow killed the secondary DD party while Kirin was still @ 20ish %. We finished the fight strong and got W legs and Kirin's Osode. ^^ Second fight was a Kite. Miae,Esca and I was in the Kite party, Fight went on very well untill Suzy popped. I looked over and I see people started going SPLAT! somehow we recovered from it just long enough before the damn Byakko spawned. I'm not sure how but they main parties where able to do an amazing job of killing kitty with 1/2 the the members weakened. It brings me joy to know that we have the members that can do that kind of stuff in a pinch.
Friday: well friday started off with kind of a low, nothing really going on untill miae and gooky started killing IX' again. While it is fun trio-quad killing IX' the drop rate is horrible!!! I mean wtf 1/20 kills of IX' and many of those times are with it reraising 10-15 times. We seriously killed that thing for 3 hours and then it just dropped a deed of moderation. O well, Time to level BLM. This is becoming one of the funnier jobs that I have leveled. Twist and I are just chillin and nuking the shit out of things. We are starting to get exp that is so good that people are starting to want to leach off us (as long as we aren't tired and just randomly killing each other.) BLM hit 63 ^^
Saturday: MOER BLM!! Killin shit and taking names, that is the Blm code of life. That code also costs alot to maintain. I bought a Sorc Ring so I could keep up with the damn Taru know as Twist. Now I'm broke ; ;. After twist got out of dynamis we took to the Blm and had ally come along with us to get some good exp ^^ Blm hit 64 and twist hit 63 while ally hit 72 ^^ Dier had to come along to clean up the mess after Twist and I started screwin off.
Sunday: My goal this weekend was to hit 65Blm. I was right on track to do that going into sunday. Wife was asleep and seth was down for a nap so I decided to log on early and hit up on BLM. twist wasn't on yet so I had to take a Manaburn shout. I realized something, just because the person you are leveling with is good at a job doens't mean that everyone else is. I do understand that some people just can't afford some of the better gear, but some times when I see a Blm the same level as me nuking in MND+ rings and casting Fire III with a water staff on, it just makes me go wtf! All in all I got some good exp and hit Blm65 woot! after that I help miae and gooky with one more shot @ IX' before they left; ; no such luck that that damn bastard! We went to Nyuzl to get some people higher with their floors. Two great runs and now we are 25% finished with Nyuzl. After Nyuzl we decided to hit up Blm again with mostly Linkshell members. Me,Cdub,Miae,Gooky,Twist, and Harmonee.went to Xarc [S] to get some exp. Holy shit!! we kicked ass!!! 20-25K and hour on blm .. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Bird parties! . 66 and almost 67Blm. My goal was met plus some.
Even as great of a weekend as we had, miae and gooky will be gone the next month /cry. I will miss my Rdm and Blm mentors and mostly my friends. I hope they hurry back!!!
Thursday: Woot Kirin! For some reason no matter how many times I have killed kirin in the past, I still get excited when we fight him. First fight we decided to Zerg since we had the Brds. Fight started as badly as possible with a Stonega IV to the face, we recovered and kept beating the shit out of him, but a strong Astral Flow killed the secondary DD party while Kirin was still @ 20ish %. We finished the fight strong and got W legs and Kirin's Osode. ^^ Second fight was a Kite. Miae,Esca and I was in the Kite party, Fight went on very well untill Suzy popped. I looked over and I see people started going SPLAT! somehow we recovered from it just long enough before the damn Byakko spawned. I'm not sure how but they main parties where able to do an amazing job of killing kitty with 1/2 the the members weakened. It brings me joy to know that we have the members that can do that kind of stuff in a pinch.
Friday: well friday started off with kind of a low, nothing really going on untill miae and gooky started killing IX' again. While it is fun trio-quad killing IX' the drop rate is horrible!!! I mean wtf 1/20 kills of IX' and many of those times are with it reraising 10-15 times. We seriously killed that thing for 3 hours and then it just dropped a deed of moderation. O well, Time to level BLM. This is becoming one of the funnier jobs that I have leveled. Twist and I are just chillin and nuking the shit out of things. We are starting to get exp that is so good that people are starting to want to leach off us (as long as we aren't tired and just randomly killing each other.) BLM hit 63 ^^
Saturday: MOER BLM!! Killin shit and taking names, that is the Blm code of life. That code also costs alot to maintain. I bought a Sorc Ring so I could keep up with the damn Taru know as Twist. Now I'm broke ; ;. After twist got out of dynamis we took to the Blm and had ally come along with us to get some good exp ^^ Blm hit 64 and twist hit 63 while ally hit 72 ^^ Dier had to come along to clean up the mess after Twist and I started screwin off.
Sunday: My goal this weekend was to hit 65Blm. I was right on track to do that going into sunday. Wife was asleep and seth was down for a nap so I decided to log on early and hit up on BLM. twist wasn't on yet so I had to take a Manaburn shout. I realized something, just because the person you are leveling with is good at a job doens't mean that everyone else is. I do understand that some people just can't afford some of the better gear, but some times when I see a Blm the same level as me nuking in MND+ rings and casting Fire III with a water staff on, it just makes me go wtf! All in all I got some good exp and hit Blm65 woot! after that I help miae and gooky with one more shot @ IX' before they left; ; no such luck that that damn bastard! We went to Nyuzl to get some people higher with their floors. Two great runs and now we are 25% finished with Nyuzl. After Nyuzl we decided to hit up Blm again with mostly Linkshell members. Me,Cdub,Miae,Gooky,Twist, and Harmonee.went to Xarc [S] to get some exp. Holy shit!! we kicked ass!!! 20-25K and hour on blm .. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Bird parties! . 66 and almost 67Blm. My goal was met plus some.
Even as great of a weekend as we had, miae and gooky will be gone the next month /cry. I will miss my Rdm and Blm mentors and mostly my friends. I hope they hurry back!!!
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